LETTER: Adequate income required
Editor: I’m writing to address the ongoing discussions about homelessness and encampments in Chatham-Kent.
The current social assistance system is fundamentally broken. A single person...
LETTER: Large-item garbage pickup needs to change
Editor: Regarding large item garbage pickup, things need to change.
These items are only picked up once every three months. So, if you missed the...
LETTER: Searching for the answers
Editor: It has been said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. As municipalities are working to address the increasing...
LETTER: Ensure your family members have a will
Editor: Christmas is supposed to be a joyous family celebration filled with gifts, turkey and everything associated with the holiday.
Unless you’ve recently lost a...
LETTER: Readers wants comparison done his way
Editor: Our citizen’s group is requesting council’s support of a notice of motion that will serve to ensure Chatham-Kent’s current services can be sustained.
LETTER: Share the pain
Editor: Thanks a Lot, Rick Williams. (Re: “Reader wishes to break up C-K,” a letter to the editor in the Nov. 21 Chatham Voice.)
LETTER: Traffic concerns in Birdland
Editor: Being a Chathamite who has returned from world travels, I find this idea of building a large complex in the middle of Birdland...
LETTER: Wright photo brought back great memories
Editor: I wanted to take a moment to share how much I appreciated the Nov. 21 edition of The Chatham Voice.
Since moving into my new...
LETTER: Keep all the buildings and the hub
Editor: With Council having purchased the former Sears store, I'm sure many readers do not realize that the Community Hub will not use the...
LETTER: Amalgamation has not worked out as anticipated
Editor: This is in response to Rick Williams, letter to the editor in the Nov. 21 Chatham Voice “Reader wishes to break up C-K.”
Perhaps Chatham-Kent...