LETTER: Healthy option: stop drive-thrus


Editor: Well, I never thought I would be writing about EV cars, especially since I have given up driving since 2011.

But, as usual, a good column from The Voice’s Bruce Corcoran in the May 9 paper, “EV users get gold-plated service,” made me think.

I saw how much free charging they are getting at taxpayers’ expense. I got interested. Even a rent payer is paying these taxes also.

So glad that I would not be possibly forced into buying an EV car, and could not get it charged to take me far enough.

We’ve heard about nothing else but the environment, it seems, forever. So this gives me a chance to bring up an issue I wrote about a few years ago. The authorities that could be involved failed to do so. Cars running their engines nearby all day long at drive-thru restaurants. There are many in our community of Chatham.

This was never banned to save the environment.

Plus, there was all the talk about exercising and there still is. Yet people are still getting eats and drinks served at their cars and – from what I see with most line-ups – it is no quicker than walking in to get what you want.

Ruth Draper



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