Regional Zonta district recognizes Schryer’s contributions

MIchelle Schryer

In 2019, Zonta International and all districts throughout the world are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the organization, its successes in advocating for and empowering women worldwide.

As part of the centennial anniversary celebration, Zonta District 15 (all of Michigan and parts of Ontario) is recognizing individuals who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to empowering women.  District 15 will be recognizing Michelle Schryer, executive director of the Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Crisis Centre, as well as Jane White, executive director of the Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force. The awards will be presented at the Status of Women Luncheon on Oct. 19.

Schryer has been the executive director of the Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Crisis Centre since Oct. 1, 1990.

In addition to overseeing the operation of the centre, Schryer’s position has given her the opportunity to work on a number of fronts to raise awareness and action toward the prevention of violence against women, including gendered workplace violence.

In that regard, Schryer has prepared and delivered numerous submissions to parliamentary committees regarding policies and legislation on justice, human rights, occupational health and safety and other equality issues.

She has also participated on province-wide advisory committees regarding gendered workplace harassment and violence and worked collaboratively with multi-sectors to effect positive, meaningful changes toward women’s safety, equality and full participation in the workplace.

Schryer’s experience has led her to believe that effective social change must include a systemic analysis that highlights root causes and leads to direct and positive actions.




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