11.1 C
Saturday, September 7, 2024

LETTER: Stop passing school buses, people!

Editor: I have been a school bus driver now for going on six years. Now that school is back since Sept. 5, I have...

Informed opinions on health care, please

Sir: I continue to read Mr. Babbitt’s letters to every local media outlet on the local health-care issue and continue to be stunned by...

LETTER: Well water test leads to concerns: expert

Editor: I would like to thank The Chatham Voice for publishing a previous letter on Aug. 25 wherein I discussed the recent all-hazard Investigation...

LETTER: Council behaves in contradictory manner

Editor: At a recent council meeting, five of us from C-K were recognized with an appreciative round of applause from Mayor Canniff and councillors...

Public participation makes FireFest a hit

Sir: Organizers of FireFest Chatham-Kent are sending out a big thank you to vehicle owners, supporters, volunteers and attendees for making the second year...

Sidewalks need to be safer for everyone

Sir: Re: Safety on municipal sidewalk concerns. I have read with interest replies from seniors in recent letters to the editor. I understand their concerns and those...

Residents want more say on turbine project

Editor’s note: This letter is addressed to the provincial Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Chris Ballard. Sir: Our community group wishes to bring further...

Help our pollinators survive and thrive

Sir: Recently, I read about the United Nations scientific report on the dramatic decline in plant pollinators; butterflies, bees and other insects. According to...

No grandstanding while in uniform

Sir: As you know, the Municipality of Chatham-Kent is currently considering a proposal to either bring EMS services in-house as a stand-alone unit, blend...

Animal treatment in Russia shocking

Sir: Most of us are excited by Russia’s Sochi Winter Olympics, which began last week. We’re proud of our Canadian athletes. But are we proud...