Dave Epp, Conservative, Chatham-Kent Leamington


Dave Epp is a third-generation farmer of processing vegetables and cash crops, born and raised in Leamington. He has been active in sports, agriculture and community organizations his entire life.

Epp is a former single-engine pilot who enjoys fastball, hockey, golf and a good choir. With his wife of 34 years, Charlene, he has four daughters. He considers himself a “common sense Conservative.”

Epp’s experience includes being the Ontario/Quebec Regional Representative for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, being a member of the Municipal Committee of Adjustment, sitting on the Ontario Agricultural Commodity Council and the Leamington Flyers Hockey Club Board of Directors as well as serving as Chairman of Agricorp, Ontario Process Vegetable Growers and the Ontario Tomato Research Institute.

How can the public trust our party system when it appears there are decisions being made with questionable judgment by political leaders, with little to no repercussions?

Unsure of the question but in general democracies are only as relevant as the people who make them. Democracy is not something we only do every four years by voting. It requires all of us to keep politicians accountable and supported when needed. I am committed to working for you fulltime, non-stop – committed.

Disincentives like the Carbon Tax are meant to help the environment by increasing the cost of fossil fuel consumption. But is such a tax fair for people who live in small-town Canada? Or is this just another tax on the middle class in general?

Small-town Canadians do not have the luxury of mass transit and so we must use our vehicles to sustain our living and families, unless we are all supposed to live in urban centres, import our food and become reliant upon other countries for our food security.

Taking our money and then giving some of it back to us is not a sustainable solution. We must all do more in our everyday lives.

Opioid addiction and its associated problems, such as increased crime, have reached a crisis level in Canada. What can be done to cause change at the federal level?

We must take a two-pronged approach. We must deal with both the source and ease of access, while working to better support those who need help.


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