Winter travel


Last winter spoiled us. Only a little snow.
So you tend to forget about the perils and annoyances of winter driving. That is until the first big dump of snow drops.
We actually kept the storm in mind as we headed northeast on Boxing Day to visit with old friends. We arrived in advance of the crappy weather. Smart move. But Lindsay received more snow than Chatham, and the drive home was none too appealing.


Mother Nature reminded us that you have to take into account both elements of your trip — the ride out and the return.
Try to avoid the worst of the weather, but be mindful of the wind. Driving in a few flurries one day might be preferential to driving in sunny, windy conditions the next. Blowing snow can be hellish.
And don’t forget to make sure your wiper fluid is topped up.
Be sure to take your time. And beware when passing a plow. I did that once near Huntsville and soon watched the plow go by me after I had spun out.



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