44-home Dresden subdivision approved

Home builder Dave Depencier

By Pam Wright
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A new subdivision is set to take shape in Dresden.

Chatham-Kent council gave the go-ahead to the project at its May 17 meeting by approving zoning changes and the project’s draft plan.

The new development located on 4.55 hectares (11.2 acres) in the community’s northwest quadrant, includes a mix of housing styles, featuring both semi-detached residences and single-family homes.

The development, which will take two to three years to complete, includes 20 lots for single detached homes, 16 lots for semi-detached homes and four blocks also for semi-detached homes.

The area is bordered by Issac and Camden Streets to the north and south, undeveloped farmland to the west, and is bisected by Elizabeth Street.

The plan includes designated areas for parkland, storm water management and road allowances, as well as the construction of sidewalks and streetlights.

Both North Kent councillors endorsed the expansion.

Coun. Joe Faas said Chatham-Kent’s ability to create a new subdivision make it the “envy” of other communities, but he admitted change can be scary for some.

“I know that people are afraid of the uncertainties but in my opinion there are a lot of positives by doing this,” Faas told the meeting.

Coun. Jamie McGrail said she is excited for the project, but added it needs to move forward with caution.

A number of deputations against the project, primarily concerned with safety, traffic and construction pressures, were presented to council.

Ryan Jacques, director of planning services for Chatham-Kent, gave a step-by-step overview of the project and assured council the project will be carefully monitored.

The municipality will work closely with developer Dave Depencier of Depencier Builders who lives in nearby Leisure Lane, a subdivision his company has developed over the past decade.

Depencier said he and his partners are committed to building the new subdivision responsibly and assured council he will mitigate any concerns relating to traffic and infrastructure pressures, noise and debris.

“We live in Dresden and we’re part of this town,” Depencier told councillors over Zoom.

“We’re trying to do everything possible to make this a smooth process,” he explained.

The builder said he’s excited about the potential of bringing 44 homes to his community and he’s “very confident” the development will be something Dresden and Chatham-Kent can be proud of.

Depencier said he hopes to start the project before the end of the year.


  1. When will this development be ready for purchase of lots or dwellings.
    Is there a drawing of the layout of the subdivision.


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