Not quite there yet


There are those among us who believe the media is preaching that the sky is falling with every COVID-19 update we provide.

Others preach conspiracy theories left and right, saying the pandemic and the information put out by various governments were first an effort to oust former U.S. President Donald Trump, and also to establish some new world order.

Wow, please take a step back and think about that for a moment. Every country is working together? Have you ever watched the joke that is the United Nations pre-COVID? Many of the G-7 can’t get along for the most part, let alone when you bring every nation to the same table. It’s Kindergarten-like.
Oh, wait, that’s the U.S. Senate. Our sarcastic mistake.

More than 2.65 million people have died due to COVID around the world. The U.S. leads the way with more than 535,000 dead due to this virus. The fact that our neighbours have the highest death and infection numbers, topping huge population nations such as India and China, tells us several things. First is the U.S.’s handling of the pandemic in the early stages, by all but ignoring it, was not the wisest choice. Second, one can only ponder if the COVID numbers from certain less-than-democratic nations are being controlled.

Vaccinations are rolling out around the globe, and our medical officer of health here recently said our per capita distribution is tops in the nation.

Let the jabbing continue. Once we reach “herd immunity,” the point where enough of our population is immunized so that the others aren’t at serious risk, we will be able to behave a bit more normally.

But we aren’t there yet. Heck, we aren’t even sure where “there” is. Measles herd immunity, according to the World Health Organization, is around 95 per cent. Polio is about 80 per cent. But for COVID? They don’t know at this point.

So, for now, please keep wearing your masks where needed, wash your hands regularly, and maintain two metres of social distancing. Follow our Orange Zone guidelines on public gatherings and help keep our COVID numbers from throwing us back into Red or even Grey.


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