Funeral homes help hospital campaign

From left, Kevin Cavanagh, Haycock-Cavanagh Funeral Home; Jacob Rowe, Dennings of Chatham; Candice Jeffrey, Foundation of CKHA; Jason Badder, Badder Funeral Homes; Nathan McKinlay, McKinlay Funeral Homes; and Kirby Butler, Southwest Crematorium celebrate the donation by the funeral homes of $10,000 to the CKHA Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Renewal Campaign.

Five local funeral homes recently donated $10,000 to the CKHA Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Renewal Campaign.

The campaign, organized by the Foundation of Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, has a $6.9 million goal to help replace aging equipment at the CKHA’s two facilities.

Representatives from McKinlay Funeral Homes (Chatham, Blenheim and Ridgetown), Badder Funeral Home (Thamesville, Bothwell, Dresden), Dennings of Chatham, Nichols Funeral Home (Wallaceburg) and Haycock-Cavanagh Funeral Home (Wallaceburg), along with a representative from Southwest Crematoriums Limited, presented the cheque to the Foundation earlier this week. The five local funeral homes are partners with the Southwest Crematoriums Limited.

“As the Chatham-Kent partners of the Southwest Crematoriums, we represent almost every community in the municipality,” Rob McKinlay, president, McKinlay Funeral Homes, said in a release. “The equipment being supported by the Foundation of CKHA’s campaign has the potential to benefit every person in Chatham-Kent, and we are proud to support this initiative.”

“Our funeral homes care for families in our communities, and giving back to those communities is important to us” Jacob Rowe, director, Dennings of Chatham, said. “By providing support our local hospitals, we are strengthening our community and the families that we value.”

Launched in late 2014, the $6.9 million Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Renewal Campaign will support CKHA in the purchase of 18 new pieces of equipment for the Diagnostic Imaging Department, including an urgently needed replacement of the dated CT Scan.

To date, more than $4.6 million has been raised.


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