CKPS Citizens Academy back at it again


police headquarters

The Chatham-Kent Police Service is once again offering the Citizens Police Academy, beginning March 2.

The Citizens Police Academy is being offered by CKPS to enhance the partnership between the citizens of our community and the police through an interactive educational opportunity.

The academy consists of 12 classes, held every Wednesday from 7:00 pm until 10:00 pm. Seniors are encouraged to attend. Classes will involve presentations and demonstrations from the Chief of Police, Drugs and Street Crime, Major Crime Investigation, Identification & Forensics, Crime Prevention, the Critical Incident Response Team, and several other units in the Chatham-Kent Police Service.

The subjects taught are intended to make participants familiar with police operations. The course is not intended to train people to become police officers.

Participants must be of good, moral character; be subject of a background investigation; and be 19 years of age or older.

Interested members of the public are asked to complete a Citizen’s Police Academy application form, and provide a copy of photo identification. Forms can be obtained at each municipal Service Centre, or at police headquarters. Applications will be accepted up to Feb. 19. Only successful candidates will be contacted.


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