We need tougher gun control


Sir: Rifles were made to kill. We have lost many policemen. We have many policemen who were murdered by hidden riflemen.

I spent four years as an infantry instructor during the Second World War teaching soldiers how to kill the enemy with a rifle at a distance of 2,000 feet.

All rifles should at least be registered. Some individuals should not be allowed to own them at all.

Maybe we should take it a step farther. The only people who should actually own rifles are police officers and armed service personnel. All rifles used for sportsmen should be kept under supervision in a compound.

We lost seven RCMP officers, killed by rifles, in recent years in Alberta and New Brunswick. I hope our federal politicians can sleep at night.

 Joseph Johns



  1. Sir in regards to your letter about gun control,are you kidding????
    C-68 was abolished for a reason,now i agree that it is indeed terrible the way innocent people are murdered at the hands of deranged lunatics,but do you think controlling firearms in the manner which you suggest would prevent this from happening???that would be naive to say the least…gun ownership is one of the very freedoms afforded people in this country which our service people have and continue to sacrifice their lives for.
    the type of control you suggest is how they do it in north Korea among other places,no sir!! what needs to happen is good law abiding citizens need to stop being so complacent when it comes to infractions of the law,however minor,report anything you think is suspicious or illegal,if you know someone who holds a firearm without a license,report it,respectable gun owners should treat illegal behavior (with guns)as a threat to their privilege to own them,i know i do.

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