Union, C-K police service ratify deal



Chatham-Kent’s cops have reached a three-year agreement with the police service, but it runs out after 2015.

The agreement gives C-K Police Service officers raises of 2.75% for 2013, 2.5% for this year and 1.25% in 2015.

“Settlements across the province have been averaging 3% or more per year in the police sector, so there is significant pressure to ensure that our officers, who do the same duties and put their lives on the line every day the same as other officers do, are compensated fairly and reasonably for the excellent work they do in our community, while at the same time recognizing that our local economy is experiencing difficult times,” said Diane Daly, chair of the Chatham-Kent Police Services Board.

The officers had been without a contract for 17 months.


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