Litterbugs back at it over the winter


Sir: After a very rough winter and after the snow had finally melted, I had a chance to survey some rural roadways that I try to keep clean. The area is northwest of Chatham.

I wondered what people had tossed into the ditches over the winter. I guess it’s human nature, but the situation is worse than ever. The usual coffee cups, cigarette packs and water bottles were there, but once again the area from Gregory Drive to Pioneer Line on Baldoon Road seemed to be the great dumping ground for items that are not easy to retrieve and dispose.

What are you doing, people? There is a landfill site that will take those items and a disposal area for garden waste.

That stretch of Baldoon is the same area that received a dumping of an electrical contractor’s truck last year. It took an hour to clean up.

I guess I’m just banging my head against the wall, but for those who are reading this article, please use some common sense and take your trash home with you.

If anyone has a trailer and would like to assist me, contact me through this paper and we’ll take care of it together.

Richard Carnell



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