Snakes disturbing folks on local street


Sir: According to Chinese zodiac, the year 2013 is ruled by the snake. In Chatham, particularly on McFarlane Avenue, it too is ruled by the snake. Boa constrictors, to be specific.

I am writing this on behalf of my 83-year-old friend whose only mode of travel is her scooter. She lives in McFarlane Apartments and, along with other seniors in the building, is terrified to use the sidewalk on McFarlane to St. Clair to Food Basics for groceries and Shoppers’ Drug Mart for medicinal needs. The reason – a mom, dad and their child each have a boa wrapped around their body and proudly walk up McFarlane to Basics and Shoppers. Another friend of mine saw the mom wrapped by a snake outside the Critter Shop on St. Clair.

I phoned the Chatham OSPCA and spoke with an employee who confirmed, “There is no by-law forbidding people from walking up the street with an exotic animal wrapped around their body. We (the OSPCA) cannot do anything about it; we are aware of the family and their boa.” (That’s how I found out the snakes were boas.)

She added the snakes are not poisonous. I told her if I saw one I’d probably have a heart attack and die. She responded, “Oh, then we could do something about them.”

Who do we boycott to have these unreasonable and stupid bylaws changed? Keith Koke has to go to court to try and keep his beloved geese that swim in the Thames River – their natural environment. The lady who kept two chickens for daily eggs had to get rid of them – yet boa constrictors are welcomed.

There is something seriously wrong with this picture.

 Marvel Warwick



  1. Really I live on this street and I see this guy walking down the road all the time and I have stopped and talked to him and actually have become more educated on snakes. Your friend has nothing more then paranoia. I would be more afraid of some the the general people I see walking down the road. Both him and his daughter own and rescue reptiles that could have been destroyed. I think your friend needs some education on this topic before being bias. The abouttown bus that speeds down this road along with many others that speed down this road has me much more concerned.

  2. Well said Chris. The snakes aren't running wild, they aren't endangering anyone. I think they are amazing and I am petrified of smakes!


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