CMBA book selling well



Fred Osmon’s History of Chatham Minor Baseball may be on its way to selling out its press run.

Less than 100 copies of the 158-page book remain for sale three weeks after it was announced the book was completed.

“We had a tremendous response to the stories and people have been calling in every day to reserve their copy,” he said.

The book is comprised of stories and photos about the organization that was formed in 1946, including sections on Chatham’s more than 60 provincial champions.

Osmon, a volunteer with the CMBA since 1967, is well suited to write the book.

“I’ve held pretty well every job but president,” he told The Chatham Voice earlier.

When current CMBA president Jason Chickowski requested that he write a history, Osmon had no idea how large the project would become.

“It just grew and grew.” He said. “The more I’d write, the more I would find to write.”

The book is being printed by Express Copies and Printing and is being bound by Wallaceburg Bookbinding.

The book will be available for sale at the end of November at a cost of $40. All proceeds will go to minor baseball in Chatham.

Osmon said anyone wanting to purchase the book should make a call and reserve a copy.

The book can be picked up at the CMBA office on Tweedsmuir Nov. 30 from 9 a.m. to noon and Dec. 1 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., however, don’t count on finding a copy that day unless you’ve reserved one.

“The way it’s going, we may not have any extra copies for sale that day so it’s important to call ahead.” he said.

To reserve a copy, call Osmon at 519-436-9873 or e-mail him at



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