Now that’s a yummy cupcake!



Faith Duquette, 6, gets ready to mow down on her cupcake purchased Saturday at the Value Village National Cupcake Day Bake-Off.

This year’s event raised more than $926, with more donations still coming in as of press time, up from last year’s $870.

The bake-off captured the attention of everyone who came through the doors at the Keil Drive location.

The event included cupcake donations from Value Village staff, employees from the Kent County Animal Centre, and the Chatham #17 Girl Guides.

About two-dozen people entered the bake-off, bringing more than 500 cupcakes to the table.

The bake-off ties in with the OSPCA’s annual National Cupcake Day, which officially took place on Monday.

The funds raised go to support animals in need in Chatham-Kent.


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