Editor: Well they got another fiasco regarding the roundabout suggestion at Merlin Line.
It’s $6.6-million blunder.
Why do we need a roundabout there? I travelled that road for 10 years on a weekly basis and never had a problem.
So what was my secret, you ask? I left my house in good time to get to work in order not to speed. I did not text or talk on a cell phone. I paid attention to what is in front of me including stop signs.
If you don’t see a stop sign, what is stopping people driving straight through the roundabout?
Two people got killed in that particular area, which is devastating.
Do some people even care about drunk driving on a daily basis?
So, in my opinion forget, the expense of a roundabout. Keep the stop sign and deal more harshly on both drunk driving and careless driving, thereby saving tax payers money.
Bert Mulder
Editor’s note: Work began on this contentious project in the fall and is in winter hiatus.