Thanks to a new survey, everyone in the community can have their say about Chatham-Kent’s housing situation.
From now until Jan. 26, an anonymous and confidential survey is available on the Let’s Talk Chatham-Kent municipal website, area residents can provide input on housing requirements in C-K as part of a local housing needs assessment that’s underway.
Area residents are encouraged to share their experiences and thoughts, officials said.
“The housing needs assessment is an important opportunity for us,” said Ray Harper, Chatham-Kent’s director of housing development in a media release. “The report will help council understand the housing landscape across Chatham-Kent and will help us plan for future housing initiatives using recent data. Everyone’s input is valuable and appreciated.”
To be presented to council in mid-March, the assessment will provide a comprehensive overview of the housing needs and affordability challenges facing residents across Chatham-Kent. It will also identify actionable strategies to address housing gaps and will evaluate the specific needs of a variety of existing sub-populations such as younger adults, seniors, the unhoused, individuals requiring supportive or assisted living, and those seeking non-market housing solutions.
For more information and to complete the survey, click here.