LETTER: More options merit exploration


Editor: Chatham-Kent council has decided to go ahead with requests for proposals for the new “hub” to move the Civic Centre, library and museum into the old Sears building in downtown Chatham. Kudos to them for finding synergies by having all these entities under one roof.

At the Oct. 21, council meeting, they heard deputations by concerned citizens stating why we aren’t happy with their decision. Of the approximately 19 deputations, 16 were against the move and only three in favour.  Why is that?  It’s not because we are against the idea, it’s because we are against having only one option.

The current Civic Centre building was designed for two more floors. These new floors could house the municipal staff who still work inhouse. The third floor could be renovated for new council chambers and the bottom two floors could house the library.  The soon-to-be vacant firehall could be the museum’s new location.

Is it possible?  We don’t know, because, as Coun. Lauren Anderson stated at the council meeting, administration wasn’t given that directive by council to look into that option.  They were only given direction to look into the Sears building move.

Is that how council makes all of their decisions – based on only one option?

We, the citizens, are asking that administration get the drawings of our current Civic Centre renovated with cost estimates. Only then can you compare the two options to find the best possible solution.

This should be put to a referendum so that the citizens of Chatham-Kent have a say in their future, since it was clear at the meeting on Monday that council either isn’t listening to the taxpayers, or doesn’t care what we have to say.

If there are savings from keeping the Civic Centre in its current location, the money saved could be spent fixing up infrastructure throughout Chatham Kent.

Karen Pynenbrouck



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