Raging against deforestation

Two members of the Raging Grannies environmental activist group pose with Sarah Fraleigh-Bulckaert as she shows off her new sign.

By Pam Wright
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

And the sign said: “Stop CK Deforestation.”

Popping up all around Chatham-Kent, the pro-environment placard campaign is the brainchild of the Raging Grannies environmental group.

For a $5 donation, the anonymous group of volunteers will supply a sign.

Sometimes delivery is included.

Sarah Fraleigh-Bulckaert is one of the residents who saw the campaign on the CK Forest Defenders Facebook page.

The Dresden homeowner called up and promptly ordered a sign.

The issue of protecting trees is personal, Fraleight-Bulckaert explained.

Growing up in Dawn Township, she said she spent “a lot of time rambling around in the country.”

Although she now lives in town, Fraleigh-Bulckaert said she continues keeps nature close by working to naturalize her yard and spending as much time outdoors as possible.

She wants to see nature and trees conserved for everyone, not just for herself.

“I’m always super grateful for trees and nature,” Fraleigh-Bulckaert noted. “It’s always a bit sad to see trees come down.”

As part of their ongoing campaign to raise awareness of forest cover and tree cutting, the Raging Grannies continue to press on.

The group has distributed around 200 signs thus far, in addition to campaigning face to face.

On Sunday, members knocked on doors in Ridgetown to spark discussion about protecting Chatham-Kent’s tree cover.

Member Rageen Granny said the group wants to make residents aware of the recommendations coming from Chatham-Kent council’s natural heritage strategy committee.

A new report, which was set to go before the committee Monday, lays out a number of strategies the committee could adopt to protect woodlots, including incentives, education and regulations.

The report, compiled by Gabriel Clarke, Chatham-Kent’s manager of growth and sustainability, is recommending the municipality undertake a second round of public consultation on the matter.

The woodlot preservation options and consultation would be posted on www.letstalkchatham-kent.ca for a period of 30 days.

It’s also recommending that deputations on the matter be received before the next natural heritage committee meeting takes place April 11.

Local residents who are interested in getting a sign or T-shirt may contact raginggranniesCK@gmail.com online.


  1. Once again the small self interested group that opposes control over clear cutting have managed to get away with another “public consultation”. There have been so many opportunities for the public to give input, not least a survey held by the council which showed overwhelming support for regulation to stop more environmental destruction. They have managed to twist the truth, implying that this is farmers versus environmental extremists. I know 6 farmers personally and only one of these opposes regulation. The KFA executive and councillor Wright show their contempt for the majority of C-K residents who want deforestation stopped by typifying us as “Tree Huggers”. I urge C-K voters to show their displeasure with the handful of our representatives who will not do “the right thing” and vote them out in this year’s municipal election.

  2. I see woodlots being cleared in response to this. As usual the opposite of its goal is achieved. This will result in many farmers clearing bush lots they’d have otherwise managed for lumber


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