The Gift returns Nov. 20


In a month’s time, Gift season returns to Chatham-Kent.

The Gift is back for 2021, and organizers ask that residents place a gift on their porch Nov. 20 at noon. Volunteers will pick up the gifts, which will be distributed over the holiday season to those in need.

“I just couldn’t believe the thoughtfulness in my store last year. Kids shopping for kids, my heart was bursting. This year I’m challenging even more businesses to get involved and I’m going to work with the schools to put up an awesome prize to get even more kids involved. We can go farther,” Andrew Bordeau, owner of Toy Wars in Wallaceburg, said in a media release.

“I’m in the trenches. I’ve hit the real rock bottom. Cast away from society and told I was of no value by people and the system. I can’t wait for me, and so many others like me to shine and bring so much to this community that no one else can. You decide your role. Lead? Follow? You choose. No hierarchy,” said Sarah Chasity-Johnson, owner of



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