Protest response lacking


Sir: Given the state of political discourse these days, it’s hard to imagine that any public statement could surprise or disgust. That is true, unless of course our local MPP Rick Nicholls gets involved.

Last Friday, a representation of nurses, teachers, steel workers, government employees and Water Wells First protesters attended a rally at Mr. Nicholls’ constituency office, protesting the policies of his government.

The group looked very much like the “people” the Ford government is “for,” if you consider its election slogan, “For the People.”

What was Mr. Nicholls reaction? Did he take their concerns seriously? Did he offer to meet with them to hear their views? No, from his sinecure at Queen’s Park, he offered some well-worn party talking points, then glibly stated, “I think it’s pretty nice of them to help us celebrate our one-year anniversary, where the people of Ontario voted for change elected us.”

If we can hold our collective noses and get past the tastelessness of Mr. Nicholls’ feeble attempt at humour, some basic facts need to be pointed out.

Consider the “people of Ontario” he refers to in his statement. In the election last year, 60 per cent of eligible voters went to the polls. Of that number, 40 per cent voted for the Ford/Nicholls party. So, the Ford government, in reality, got the support of one of every four eligible voters in the province. Hardly a resounding endorsement!

Add to that the fact that the main opponent of the Tories was one of the most reviled leaders in recent Ontario history, and the conclusion is that it’s more government by default than by resounding electoral victory.

As the people of Ontario discover the true nature of the Ford government, and its support in the polls plummets, and as the premier daily backs away from one policy position after another, Mr. Nicholls would be well advised to look past his party talking points and start listening to the real concerns of the people in his riding.

At the very least, he needs to act like he’s interested.

Dennis Makowetsky



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