Love thy neighbour

A billboard in North Kent near Dresden has received a great deal of attention recently over its anti-homosexual message.

A since-removed billboard near Dresden generated a great deal of discussion in Chatham-Kent; some respectful and some not; during the short time it was up.

Religious beliefs can be a divisive topic because they can fuel anger when someone criticizes who we are and our core belief system. Most people know that to criticize a person’s beliefs is to invite a heated debate. Wars have started that way.

Instead of billboards that condemn people, or groups of people for who they are, who they love, or their personal choices, how about we put up billboards that support the positive messages from the Bible, such as the greatest commandment of all – love. Love your neighbour as yourself; judge not lest you be judged; whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do to me – there are so many positive, inclusive, peace-loving messages in the Bible.

Yet people will pick and choose the verses and proverbs that support their particular prejudice. Should we still treat women as chattel, allow slavery, promote the smiting of our enemies and their children because the Bible said we should?

Of course not. Society has evolved and changed since 2,000 years ago, and we live in world of people of many different colours, races, religions and yes, sexual orientation. Teaching our children that people who are different than us are bad and God hates them is nothing close to teaching them the difference between right and wrong.

People fought and died for Canada so we could be free to live without fear of persecution because we may be different, and yes, they died so we could be free to express our opinions.

But to advertise on a public billboard that it is not only OK but expected by God for us to condemn gay people, those who choose to have an abortion or people who use marijuana is not OK, and passes beyond the boundaries of free speech into promoting prejudice.

Just as we wouldn’t allow white supremacists to put up billboards stating God says no to people of colour, we shouldn’t allow any group or individual to put up anti-anything signs. That is what your personal social media pages are for if you feel the need to judge others.

And all those people who are upset at the billboard and are expressing that – they have just as much right to their opinion as anyone else.


  1. The billboards are one man’s opinion. I do believe freedom of speech is still a thing in this country as far as i know. It’s ok for the gay community to have a parade and express who they are but it’s not ok for one man to express his religious believes and his options on the subject. I think the media is not playing fair here and taking some things out of contex. No mention about abortion issues, or marijuana.There is such a large movement on gay rights that’s all media and rights activists are talking about. Come on people let’s play fair, everyone is intitled to their opinion without get labeled racist or a gay basher. To each his own.


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