The power of positivity



In a municipality that often is its own worst enemy when it comes to marketing its good points in a positive way, Positivity Day is a great idea.

Last year, people’s attention was caught by the videos circulating the internet starring Captain Positive, a campy, yet light-hearted and charming attempt to bring attention to our need to be more positive in Chatham-Kent.

At a time when Marvel comic heroes and villains are dominating the big screen, Captain Positive is striking a chord with young kids, and his message is a child-friendly one: When you have a choice, choose to be positive.

That message is harder to follow for some folks who like to focus on all the bad things happening in our community, real or perceived. If you take the time to look, instead of spewing negativity to anyone who will listen, there are so many great things taking place in Chatham-Kent.

Should we stick our head in the sand and ignore the problems? Of course not. But we could try looking for positive solutions to the negative occurrences and issues, and be part of making things right again, instead of throwing shade at everything and everybody.

The 12 days of Positivity coming up in September are a great chance to pick a themed day and do something fun to give back to the people in our community who make it great. Sept. 4 is Neighbour Day. Why not talk to your neighbours about throwing a block party where everyone brings a dish and a beverage and you get to know each other better?

Or First Responders/Health Care day – why not arrange to have lunch delivered or hand-deliver some baked goods and coffee to the EMS station, police or fire station?

Or run a contest asking people to say good things about their favourite charity for $2 and deliver that money and people’s comments to the charity involved?

So many ideas, big and small, are just waiting for people to jump on and make happen. Visit a seniors’ home on Sept. 6 and spread a little joy around with entertainment or food.

It only takes a few people to get the ball rolling and it makes you feel good to make others feel good.

Thanks, Darrin Canniff and Capt. Positive, for starting a positivity revolution in Chatham-Kent.


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