Cop dog tracks down Thamesville robbery suspect



With the help of a police dog, Chatham-Kent officers didn’t take long to track down a robbery suspect in Thamesville.

Police say someone walked into the Mac’s Convenience store in Thamesville, brandished a weapon, demanded money and left with an undisclosed amount of cash.

The man was wearing a black hoodie, worn backwards, with holes cut out so he could see. He also sported black gloves and carried a large cloth bag, police say.

The store employee wasn’t hurt, and called police right after the man fled.

With very little to go on in the way of a description, front-line officers called in the K-9 unit, and the dog tracked the suspect to his house, police say.

A 29-year-old Thamesville man is charged with robbery, disguise with intent and two counts of theft.


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