Missing out on some of the fun

Barbecue S’mores

As yet another jam-packed weekend of fun hit Chatham-Kent, my hip just plain jammed.

But we made the most of it. Unfortunately, that meant staying close to home and missing out on BikeFest, spectating at the Amazing Race and attending a friend’s annual gathering.

The old arthritis caused me little sleep Friday night. My right hip is in need of replacement, and normally it just aches when I use it too much. So during the day, when I overdo it, my hip certainly lets me know it.

Farming Stories: Chris Knight | Clear Creek Farms from Foster Visuals on Vimeo.

A friend who also needs a new hip said his acts up at night. I thought I was the lucky one, as his often ruins his sleep.

I was right. I am lucky that mine pains me during usage. But I overused it for several days during the week, and it all added up Friday.

Now I have an inkling of what Herb goes through.

Saturday morning delivered me groggy and achy. That meant not checking out BikeFest in Tecumseh Park – and from what I heard, it’s got a great new home after spending its early years out at Duke’s Harley Davidson.

Good to hear.

And then there was a Zone Township gathering I missed. The annual party is generally a great place to meet for laughs, music, good food and fun.

I had to settle for a Sunday afternoon barbecue with friends in our backyard.

We went a little nuts, cooking some stuffed peppers, garlic shrimp and Brie as appetizers, followed by salmon, steak and chicken as the main course on our Big Green Egg.

No shortage of garlic anywhere.

The steak went on for 90 seconds a side again at high temperature. The chicken and salmon went on for 20 minutes. That salmon, done at 400 F on a cedar plank, with lemon-pepper seasoning (OK, slices of lemon on the salmon as we’d done before) may be the tastiest thing to come off the barbecue all summer.

For dessert, we tried something old, but new – S’mores. We did these in a pepper rack, placing sugar cones in the rack and then adding one large marshmallow and a square of chocolate. We cooked them at 350 F for 10 minutes and they were awesome!

It may have been a close-to-home weekend, but we still had a great time here in Chatham-Kent.


  1. Hey Bruce. I suggest you take the EatingSober program that you had the wonderful article on in this weeks paper. Losing weight will really help out your hips and knees. I’m sure you’ve heard it enough from your Doctors bug you have a young daughter and a great newspaper to be around a lot longer for.

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