TV show to highlight North, South Buxton

Jonny Harris, host of the TV show "Of All Places," will explore North and South Buxton this month for a future airing of the show on CBC.
Jonny Harris, host of the TV show “Of All Places,” will explore North and South Buxton this month for a future airing of the show on CBC.

Of all places for a film company to select, OAP Productions Inc. chose North and South Buxton.

Actually, Cara Lewis-Watts, said it’s an excellent location for an episode of their company’s show, “Of All Places,” which is airing on CBC in January.

Lewis-Watts, production co-ordinator for the show, said the crew will be in North and South Buxton for several days in September, culminating with a live comedy performance by host Jonny Harris Sept. 16.

“We have selected Buxton based on the history of the town, to do with the ties to the Underground Railway, the two sides of the town – north and south – and with the raceway,” Lewis-Watts said.

Chatham Mazda from Chatham Voice on Vimeo.

“Of All Places” is focusing on small and quirky communities across the country, Lewis-Watts said.

“This will be for our 12th episode,” she said. “Each episode we look for a town that most people will not have heard of.”

No town is too small for “Of All Places.” That includes Rowley, Alta., with a population of nine people.

The Buxtons are the third location in Ontario the show has visited. Lewis-Watts said they’ve also been to Teaswater and nearby Oil Springs.

The production team looks for small towns that many viewers around the country will have never heard of, Lewis-Watts said.

“Part of what we do, we always try to find towns as far away from large urban areas as possible. We don’t really want to choose towns that would be considered commuter towns,” she said.

“Of All Places” shows will run 30 minutes in length, and incorporate Harris’ stand-up routine at each locale with various film clips of the community done the week prior to the routine.

“(They’re written specifically about the community,” Lewis-Watts said of Harris’ stand-up performances. “They’re in town for the week and they’re writing it as they go. Jonny has about a day to memorize his stand-up routine.”

She stressed Harris’ stand-up performances aren’t scathing attacks of the host town.

“The comedy is not a roast of the community, but more of a celebration. In no way are we poking fun at a community, but we are making light of funny situations,” she said.

Lewis-Watts said it’s clean humour and is suitable for all ages.

She encourages the public to attend the live comedy taping of Harris in action Sept. 16 at 7 p.m. at the North Buxton Parish Hall. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Lewis-Watts isn’t sure what date the North and South Buxton show will air.

“They (the CBC) only told us the show will begin airing in January,” she explained.


  1. We went tonight. It was hilarious. I did not realize that Jonny Harris was such a comedian as well as a seasoned actor in The Murdoch Mysteries. There was a full, very appreciative audience in the church hall. It was a wonderful celebration of Buxtons history and the people who live there today..


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