Centre to show off its expansion at annual fair


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The Active Lifestyle Centre (ALC) will showcase its new digs later this week at its annual Senior Resource Fair.

Sue Williams, executive director for the ALC, said the centre underwent an expansion that took the better part of last year to complete. The 2,500-square-foot addition was finished in October, and features a large auditorium area.

As construction began, Williams said the centre’s membership stood at about 1,050 people. It’s now over 1,200.

“We’re busy. We get over 200 seniors here every day,” she said. “We have a lot of new programs, especially for younger retirees.”

The expansion cost nearly $800,000, Williams said. A large chunk of that was covered by a Federal Action Plan grant of more than $354,000. Fundraising makes up the remainder.

“The fundraising committee has been diligently working all year to raise the rest,” she said.

Williams said about 80 exhibitors will be on hand for the fourth-annual fair.

“These exhibitors are all pertaining to senior resources. They’ll have information on the needs of seniors, both present and future,” she said.

She said local seniors’ residences will have booths set up to provide visitors with information on what the residences have to offer. Also on hand will be representatives from the seniors’ games, seniors’ advisory committee, hearing clinics, dental offices, and moving advisors who help seniors when they downsize their dwellings.

“There will be many, many resources that a senior might use or is in search of,” Williams said. “It’s really amazing.”

Every booth will offer up a door prize as well.

And then there is a free lunch and a 50/50 draw.

Williams expects more than 450 people to attend the fair and tour the expanded facility.

There is no cost to attend.


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