Residence offers a day out for local seniors



For more than two decades, St. Andrew’s Residence in Chatham has offered its Senior’s Day Out program.

“Seniors come into St. Andrew’s and spend a day with us,” explained Melissa Parker, community and client relations manager. “They can have a hot meal and can have an assisted bath if they want.”

Parker said the program, which is funded by the Erie St. Clair Local Health Integration Network, is offered three days a week, from Tuesday through Thursday, where seniors can come in from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  A full day’s visit, including lunch, costs $14, but she added folks also stop by for half a day.

“It’s a very flexible program. Clients can come by as often as they want,” she said.

Parker said the program is appealing to seniors who want to maintain their independence, as well as family members.

“They get social interaction, are eating healthy for the day and they can talk to the nurse if they need to,” she said.

Parker added the Senior’s Day Out clients can also make appointments with the onsite hair salon and foot care service for an additional cost.

If visiting seniors don’t have their own transportation to and from St. Andrew’s, staff can make arrangements to cover that off as well, Parker said.

Currently, the program’s Tuesdays and Thursdays have between 15 and 20 seniors, while Wednesdays are a little lighter, with about 10 clients, she said.

“We have room to expand,” Parker said. “If somebody is interested, they can contact us and we could take them on a tour of our facilities.”

To arrange a tour, call 519-354-8103.

St. Andrew’s Residence has also operated the Meals on Wheels program in Chatham-Kent for the past six years, Parker said. The program is offered to people who are unable to shop for their own food or to cook. No doctor referral is necessary.

“We make the meals, the volunteers pick them up and deliver to seniors throughout Chatham-Kent,” Parker said.

Communities served include Chatham, Blenheim, Dresden, Ridgetown, Wallaceburg, Tilbury, Merlin, North and South Buxton and Wheatley, and the program offers meals between three and seven days a week. Clients can use the program as often as they like.

Parker said Meals on Wheels delivers approximately 1,440 meals a month, with an average of 156 clients.

For more information on Meals on Wheels, call 519-351-MEAL (6325).


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