Ward 1 candidate: Melissa Harrigan


Why are you running?

I am running for re-election for Chatham-Kent council because I believe in our community and its future. I want my children to love living in Chatham-Kent, and my parents to be able to grow old here. I am proud of some of the collective achievements made last term, but believe there is more work to be done.

What are the key issues?

Infrastructure is the largest issue for Chatham-Kent. I learned very quickly last term that CK Council has to balance new investments with the operating and asset management costs of the infrastructure we have already. Ensuring communities across CK have access to programs and services is another issue that we have to pay attention to going forward. Finally, community well-being is an issue in CK. By well-being, I mean health, housing, and the ability of people to achieve their goals.

What do you hope to achieve if elected?

If elected for council, I have goals for my local ward, and goals for our community overall. Locally, the recovery and rebuilding of Wheatley is on the top of my list of things to achieve. Overall in CK, I would like to see improved opportunities for active transportation and access to green spaces and waterways, and increased investments in the important infrastructure needed for our communities to grow and thrive as an epicentre for agriculture.

What skills and experience do you bring?

I believe that my work and education are “just the right mix” for being a local councillor. As someone who studied political science in university, I understand policy and process. In my work as a leader in the healthcare system in the last decade, I have seen firsthand how it takes partnership and dedication to achieve results and make change. Having one term of experience on council also means I have a running start in the role, and can build on existing relationships to achieve goals.


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