Speed bumps, limits needed


Editor: I see daily the joyful use of the Wallaceburg splash pad on Running Creek. What a beautiful use out of the former outdoor pool property.

I would love to thank whoever came up with this use for the property.

Now onto what bothers me is the speed of traffic on Running Creek Drive in Wallaceburg. Whoever is the knucklehead in planning and designing needs to take into children consideration of how young children run and play. Was there no thought into the safety of the running and playing children factored into the rate of speed of vehicles?

What’s it going to take for Chatham-Kent to include speed as a factor in child play areas? Running Creek Drive needs two speed bumps, one at the beginning of both ends of the splash pad, now, not after a child is hit.

The other is a reduced speed like in school zones. This is needed in all child play areas and should be a municipal law. No play area should be open to the public’s use until these safe issues are dealt with first, not after a child’s death.


Allen Lumley



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