Questions over landscaping at shelter site


Editor: We noticed recently that the municipality had a large crew of Public Works employees on site at the Victoria Park School property.

They were removing shrubs from the front of the building and trees from the side that borders the rail line. Sad to see this as we were among the parents of the children who attended this school and fondly remember when we assisted the kids in planting these in a project to beautify and do a part in environmental conservation.

During the public meetings with municipal representatives, we were told that the “Good Samaritan” property owners would be doing work that was necessary to operate the proposed shelter and that the municipality would pay for this work at cost.

As taxpayers, we demand to know how the work done to remove shrubs and trees can be justified as necessary to operate a shelter. It strikes us that it seems more likely that the administration is using our tax dollars to clean up the “Good Samaritans’” property for its use after the three-year agreement is complete.

Calder & Louise Morrison



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