Art show and sale, COVID-style, set for Blenheim


Discover Art Blenheim, presented by Talbot Trail Place, takes place this Saturday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Artists and crafters will be displaying and selling their wares from their own homes or friend’s places all around town from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

There will be 42 artists located in 22 different locations around town.

There will be several cluster areas around town for people to park their cars to visit multiple locations.

All locations on the tour will observe social distancing and best safety practices.

Guests can pick up a map with the artists’ locations at Talbot Trail Place between 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

When guests pick up their map, they will receive a passport to collect a stamp at each stop on the tour.

At the end of their tour, guests can return their passports to Talbot Trail Place by 3:30 p.m. and those with a minimum of 20 stamps will receive a ballot to win a $100 cash prize.

Public washrooms and a food truck will be available in the park.

Discover Art Blenheim is taking the place of Art In The Park, a very successful event that was held the past two summers at Talbot Trail Place.

However, because of crowd limits with the COVID-19 pandemic, Art In The Park could not be held in its same format in the park this year.

Debbie Brush, organizer of Art In The Park, got creative and came up with Discover Art Blenheim as a replacement.




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