Ward 2 Henry Svec


I am running for council because it is time for change.

Here is what I will do:

  • Work to reduce your taxes.
  • Revitalize our communities to become Life Style destinations.
  • I am not a career politician, will work for 4 years for $1/year then hand it off to the next generation.
  • Eliminate taxes for not for profit recreation and leisure organizations such as the Blenheim Curling, Gymnastics, Rod and Gun Club and Youth Center.
  • Require Administration to get Council approval before spending anything over $10,000 (currently at $250,000).
  • Map the age of our roads, bridges, water, sewer and internet services so that we can repair them BEFORE they result in roads such as the New Scotland Line being closed.
  • No more secrets. Giving you the taxpayer, line by line spending information.
  • Improved building by-laws to build more homes that are now in demand.
  • Create and follow 4-year plans for our communities with your input and feedback.
  • Return Entegrus ownership directly to you in the form of voting shares.
  1. Do you support increasing funding for infrastructure given the fact several culverts and bridges – including the Third Street Bridge – have had emergency issues and closures recently?

Yes because this is a need not want. The money will come from other wants that are not necessary.

  1. Would you support a tax freeze or rollback if it meant reduced staff and/or services?

I propose up to a 10% reduction in property taxes without a reduction in services or reduction in staff.

  1. Would you support shifting some services to the private sector if those services could be done more efficiently that way?

No-There are core services municipal government should provide. I do not support the private ambulance contract for example.

  1. Do you believe we need a municipal ombudsman or ethics commissioner?

No I believe we need an independent auditor to share all line by line spending with taxpayers.

  1. Do you support investigating a reduction in the number of council members?

Yes, no more than 9

  1. Should the municipality try to land an Ontario Cannabis Store as soon as possible?

No as the premiere has changed this playing field. I believe we need a number of options for citizens so more than one store is likely needed.

  1. Should council be more proactive in terms of working with landowners with contaminated wells?

Yes, it is our responsibility to help them. I find the lack of response from the Municipality as shameful.

  1. Some critics say the municipal building department is an impediment to development in C-K. Do you agree?

Yes. We will fix this by empowering the department to assist those wanting to build and be their consultants.

  1. Do you believe Chatham needs a new twin-pad arena?

No Absolutely not. This is a want not need.

  1. Should the municipality cut back on its expenditures for overseas economic development efforts?

Yes, not needed and wasteful. Not possible to calculate an accurate ROI which is why it fits within this municipal council agenda.

  1. Should municipal councillors ever be forced to go the Freedom of Information route when seeking municipal information?

Never. No

  1. Should members of the public have more access to municipal information without having to resort to an FOI?

Yes this is one of my platform points. All information with few exceptions (such as an HR personal staff issue) should be open to the public.


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