Film group doles out two scholarships


Two local students recently received $1,000 scholarships courtesy of the Chatham-Kent Film Group.

Julia Ermers is from Blenheim District High School and is an honours student involved in many extracurriculars. She will be attending Wilfred Laurier, majoring in film studies. She also hopes to attend the UBC Film studies third year program.

Thomas Bayda-Presutto is a scholarship winner from UCC. Bayda-Presutto has taken as many film and communication courses at The Pines as have been offered.

He has been accepted to the Fanshawe College Film studies program.

He enjoys editing films and has a special interest in video gaming films.

The film group has been bringing independent films recommended by the Toronto International Film Festival for 20 years.

Ten years ago Jean Rossini and Cindy Storey recommended that the group should sponsor a deserving graduating high school student who wishes to study film at a post-secondary institution with a $1,000 scholarship.

CKFG interviews prospective scholarship winners and decides who is worthy of a scholarship.

If there is more than one who are truly interested and have been accepted into their respective institutions, and the film group has the funds, the students will be accepted.


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