Owners of non-licensed dogs face fines



Dog owners who don’t have their dog licenses renewed could end up paying up to $240 in fines and court costs, according to a municipal official.

Nancy Havens, Chatham-Kent Manager of Licensing Services, said commissionaires, contracted bylaw enforcement officers, would be conducting a community-wide blitz. The commissionaires wear uniforms, always carry a badge to identify themselves, and drive a marked commissionaire’s vehicle.

Havens said “by-law enforcement officers will be going to people’s homes in May and June where their dog license has expired or to homes where people have never licensed their dogs.”

Delinquent dog owners will receive a yellow non-compliance notice indicating immediate compliance is required. If they fail to do so, dog owners risk receiving a fine for failure to license.

A dog license costs $38 a year — $10 less if your dog is spayed or neutered. An additional $10 late fee came into effect as of April 1.

All dogs four months of age or older must be licensed.

“Not only is it the law, it’s also the quickest and safest way to reunite a pet with its owner,” Havens said.

Anyone wondering if their dog’s license is expired or how to get one can call 519-360-1998.


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