Cops trade hair for cash

Dean Bonner, 10, son of Chatham-Kent Police Service Const. Amy Finn gets his hair sheared off as part of the annual Cops for Cancer fundraising event Friday.
Dean Bonner, 10, son of Chatham-Kent Police Service Const. Amy Finn gets his hair sheared off as part of the annual Cops for Cancer fundraising event Friday.

For more than 15 years, the Chatham-Kent Police Service has embraced the bald look to raise money for cancer.

At the Cops for Cancer event Friday evening at the Downtown Chatham Centre, C-K police, Medavie EMS and members of the public had their heads shaved and raised more than $1,700 and counting for the Canadian Cancer Society.

Chatham Mazda from Chatham Voice on Vimeo.

Part of the event from the beginning, CK police Const. Amy Finn has only missed one event, and is happy to take part, passing the tradition down to her son Dean Bonner.

“I’ve done it every year. I only missed once about 10 years ago because I was pregnant with this guy,” Finn said while hugging her 10-year-old son, Dean.

C-K Police Service Chaplain, Pastor Tim Joyce participated for the third time this year, and joked about them saying his hair and mustache had to go.

“I’ve run across cancer many times as a minister and see the effects it has on a family, so anything we can do to good effect, we will do,” Joyce said.

Joining the fun for the first time was Jim Christie, operations manager for the Chatham-Kent Medavie/EMS.

“It’s been a long time – I was maybe 10 or 11 the last time I had a brush cut,” Christie joked. “It’s all for a good cause.”

Members of the public Cathy Christner and Harry Toews also had their heads shaved to add to the total raised.

According to Police Chief Gary Conn, MC for the event, Cops for Cancer has raised more than $50,000 since its inception.


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