Bloom time for C-K


CibIf your lawn and garden needs some attention, now is the time to spruce it up before the arrival of the international judges for this year’s Communities in Bloom program.

British and Belgian judges evaluate Chatham-Kent July 25-28 and area volunteers are confident our communities will pull together to retain our top 5-Bloom status for the ninth straight year. By winning the Communities in Bloom national title in 2010, Chatham-Kent qualified to compete internationally this year.

Besides vibrant floral displays, the evaluation covers many diverse categories as well – tidiness, environmental action, heritage conservation, landscape and urban forestry.

A year-long collaborative effort, the Communities in Bloom committee ask that every citizen show support by picking up litter, pulling weeds and pampering your gardens.

The judges’ schedule is:

July 25 – Tour of Chatham;

July 26 – Chatham, Buxton, Merlin, Wheatley (a.m.);

Tilbury, Pain Court, Wallaceburg, Mitchell’s Bay (p.m.);

July 27 – Flight over area from C-K Municipal Airport, Erieau, Blenheim (a.m.);

Ridgetown, Thamesville, Bothwell, Dresden, Ridgetown (p.m.); and

July 28 – Leave Ridgetown for next judging commitment

For more information, visit CiB at or call (519) 360-1998.


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