Events raise $28K for breast cancer fight

From left, Sam East and Chris McLeod, the Two Boobs in a Bucket; Kelly and Romain Caron of Dover Port-a-John, suppliers of the pink port-a-potty for the Flush Out Cancer campaign, and Krissy Rioux, fundraising assistant for the Chatham-Kent branch of the Canadian Cancer Society.
From left, Sam East and Chris McLeod, the Two Boobs in a Bucket; Kelly and Romain Caron of Dover Port-a-John, suppliers of the pink port-a-potty for the Flush Out Cancer campaign, and Krissy Rioux, fundraising assistant for the Chatham-Kent branch of the Canadian Cancer Society.

October proved to be a busy and successful month for the local branch of the Canadian Cancer Society.

The branch held a number of fundraising activities during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, pulling in $28,000 and counting.

The Two Boobs in a Bucket – Sam East and Chris McLeod of CKSY – spent a chilly morning in an Entegrus cherry picker, bringing in more than $3,200.

Dover Port-a-John’s pink potty made its way around the municipality, landing in front of different businesses until a minimum of $150 was raised. Overall, that mobile toilet brought in nearly $8,700.

The Chatham Maroons went pink during a recent home game, and auctioned off all their pink gear afterwards, bringing in more than $3,400 for Breast Cancer Awareness and the Breast Buddies Dragon Boat team.

As well, the pink ribbon campaign raised funds and awareness throughout October.


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