OPINION: Selfish politics


Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced on Friday his plan for a provincial election in late February.

Great. An election during the tail end of winter. And one that is 15 months ahead of schedule.

Since late 2016, Ontario law has held that provincial elections are to take place on the first Thursday in June four years after the previous one.

We had a provincial election on June 2, 2022 where Ford was re-elected. He holds a comfortable majority. In theory, there is no need for an election, right? Especially one held with snow in the air.

But Ford expects us to believe that an election is needed so he can best battle the U.S. and the threat of tariffs.

If you believe that, we have a new bridge over the Detroit River we can sell you.

The realities are more telling that this is purely a selfish move to retain power and a majority. Ford began speculating about a 2025 election deep into last year. The reasoning was to have an election in advance of the federal one. Why? Because he wanted to be back in power before the federal Conservatives boot Prime Minister Justin Trudeau out of office.

Well, Trudeau has resigned. He prorogued Parliament until mid-March to stave off a non-confidence vote against his government and let his party have a new leader in place when Parliament resumes. Also very selfish. And desperate.

But back to Ford. Following his rebates to Ontario taxpayers, he hopes to ride popularity to another majority.

NDP leader Marit Stiles said the early election is to wag the dog – to distract the public from the RCMP investigation into his government. That probe is into the Greenbelt plan that blew up in Ford’s face.

No, Doug, we don’t believe your reasoning. In fact, there is no moral reason to call an election 15 months ahead of schedule.

There are, obviously numerous selfish ones.

We remind you, sir of David Peterson, who in 1990, called a snap election a year early, hoping to ride his popularity.

He lost.

Ontario instead elected Bob Rae and the NDP.

Foreshadowing? Perhaps.


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