Group seeks to see Bothwell exit C-K

Bothwell residents are circulating a petition saying they want out of Chatham-Kent. (Image courtesy of Shawn Bailargeon)

By Pam Wright
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The prospect of losing another councillor in East Kent is the “last straw” for Bothwell area residents looking to de-amalgamate from Chatham-Kent.

That’s according to Emery Huszka, the defacto spokesman for a citizen’s group that wants Bothwell to become its own municipality, exit C-K and join forces with Lambton County.

Huszka is referring to the fact that a ward boundary/council composition review is coming before Chatham-Kent Jan. 27 that could see the number of councillors drop from 17 to 14 – or lower – possibly leaving East Kent with one seat at the council table instead of two.

“It may mean that another rural councillor is lost,” Huszka said. “It’s a further weakening of the rural voice.”

Huszka, a farmer with property in both Lambton County and Chatham-Kent, is one of the citizens behind a petition asking the province to “release us from Chatham-Kent and allow us to amalgamate as a lower-tier municipality in the County of Lambton.”

He said the petition got started because people in the Bothwell area are fed up with municipal government, including what they said are a lack of services; cuts to the road budget – including the loss of dust suppressant – and the fact C-K is going to spend millions on a new community hub in downtown Chatham.

These issues have led to plenty of grumbling in local coffee shops, he added.

“We said, ‘You know, folks, you can complain or you do something about it,’” Huszka explained. “We see our taxes going up, our rural services are under threat and we don’t like the big-ticket hub project.”

The perennial threat of closing the Bothwell Arena is another sore point, he said.

A former booming oil town, the Town of Bothwell was founded by George Brown in the mid-1800s. When it was originally surveyed, it was part of Lambton County, but later became part of Kent County.

In 1998, the Mike Harris government ordered all Kent County communities to amalgamate into single-tier Chatham-Kent, including Bothwell and surrounding Zone Township.

“It was a forced marriage,” Huszka stated, adding the two communities should have been part of Lambton.

Sixth generation Zone Township farmer Alex Miller, who served on Zone Township council until 1997, is helping spread the word about the petition.

“All of Chatham-Kent’s neighbours are two-tier systems,” he said, adding it would be logical for the Bothwell community to be two tier as well.

Maintaining roads, drainage systems and recreational and emergency response oversight in the East Kent community are issues that need to be better addressed, Miller stressed, noting the community would be better off as part of Lambton County.

East Kent councillor John Wright said he’s “staying neutral” on the issue, but understands the frustration of the Bothwell community.

“They (the municipality) keep taking, taking, taking,” Wright said. “I can see where they’re (Bothwell residents) coming from. I’m listening.”

The two-term councillor said he’s staying out of the fray because he doesn’t believe sitting councillors should be involved in de-amalgamation.

Morena McDonald, the East Kent councillor who replaced former councillor Steve Pinsonneault, said she’s aware of the Bothwell de-amalgamation movement, but added the issue is provincial.

“I’m aware of the petition and I think it’s important to share their viewpoints,” McDonald said. “Ultimately at this point, it’s up to the province. They did it.”

In an email message, Pinsonneault, now the MPP for Lambton-Kent-Middlesex, said he is aware of the petition circulating in Bothwell, noting he “appreciates” the concerns being raised.

“While I cannot predict the province’s position on this specific petition, I believe it is essential for all stakeholders – residents, local leaders, and provincial authorities – to be part of a thorough consultation process,” he said. “The final decision would depend on a variety of factors, including the potential impact on both the local and broader regional community.”

Pinsonneault said he will continue to monitor the situation and is “committed to ensuring that all voices are heard in any ongoing discussions.”

The Bothwell petition can be found in most businesses located on Main Street in the community.

(Image courtesy Google Maps)


  1. I have been suggesting this option for Ward 3 since the last election campaign. If you are from Ward 3 (Highgate, Ridgetown, Morpeth, etc.) please reach out to me. If the interest is there, I will start a petition for us as well. I know Bothwell is Ward 3, but we could de-amalgamate separately, but at the same time.

    Perhaps other areas in CK will also want to de-amalgamate. I’m will to work on it to get it done!

    Martin Fisher
    [email protected]


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