C-K poised for long-term growth


Growth in Chatham-Kent is on the upswing, and more land will be needed in some areas to accommodate it.

At a recent planning meeting, C-K council heard from Jamie Cook of Watson Associates Economics Ltd., who outlined Chatham-Kent’s estimated population growth to the year 2051. Based on projections of a four-per-cent increase, land shortfalls are predicted in Chatham, Dresden, Tilbury and Blenheim.

The recent study drew on statistics from the Windsor-Sarnia economic region of which Chatham-Kent is a part.

The analysis showed C-K’s population drop from 2011 to 2015, decreasing from 106,700 to 104,500. However, in 2016, the numbers began to rebound and data from 2021 shows the population at 107,100 citizens.

Projections indicate the population will increase to 122,200 by the year 2051.

Cook said the population increase means more housing will be needed. As a result, the municipality will need to acquire more land in the communities of Chatham, Tilbury, Dresden and Blenheim to accommodate urban growth. The municipality will be reviewing its options for future needs in 2024, gathering information from the public and interested landowners and developers.

Municipal council voted to accept the report detailing the 25-year forecast.


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