3 docs-in-training join CKHA

Dr. Advait Desai, Dr. Spencer Pearce and Dr. Joanna Walters are all residents with the CKHA.

A trio of family medicine residents are testing the waters with the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance (CKHA).

Dr. Advait Desai, Dr. Spencer Pearce and Dr. Joanna Walters, residents from the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western University, begin their post-graduate training at CKHA recently. 

The residents will live in Chatham-Kent for two years as they gain experience by working with local physicians who provide support and direction to complete the hands-on portion of their medical training.

“We are so pleased to welcome our new Family Medicine Residents to CKHA and the community of Chatham-Kent,” said Dr. Pervez Faruqi, Chief of Staff at CKHA, in a media release. “They will have the opportunity to collaborate and train alongside exceptional physicians, gaining comprehensive expertise in various areas of medical practice. Many of our residents in the past have also discovered that Chatham-Kent is a warm and welcoming community and making it an optimal and comforting place to call home.”

Desai completed his Doctor of Medicine at the Windsor campus of Western University. He hosts a podcast, TachyTalks, where students discuss their experiences in the medical world.

 “I’m looking forward to cycling around the city, and exploring what Chatham-Kent has to offer,” said Desai. “I’m really excited to meet the preceptors I’ve worked with in the past and show them how far I’ve come.”

Walters completed her Doctor of Medicine at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica, dedicating several years to practicing medicine in her home country before continuing on her path to practice medicine in Canada.

 “I’m excited to explore the outdoors of Chatham-Kent, and I am looking forward to learning and having great hands-on experience at CKHA,” said Walters.

Pearce completed his Doctor of Medicine at Western University in London, and joined the hospital with some familiarity as he chose to complete a rural family medicine rotation with CKHA in 2022.

“I’m really looking forward to starting my residency at CKHA,” said Pearce. “I’m also excited to explore Chatham-Kent a bit more and hopefully get a chance to fish, being so close to the lake.”


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