Spring has sprung, but so have allergies


By Krunal Patel

While the flowers may be blooming, experts are predicting a pollen boom, meaning Chatham community members can anticipate more intense allergy symptoms this season.

Allergies for many are not simply an inconvenience – they can have an impact on our everyday life. Between wheezing and sneezing, it can be challenging to find relief, but fortunately for Ontarians, this year’s allergy season is the first-time pharmacists can assess and prescribe for allergic rhinitis, in addition to providing recommendations on the right over-the-counter allergy medication for your symptoms.

While seasonal allergies and symptom severity can vary from person-to-person, the best way to manage allergies is to get ahead of your symptoms and consult with your local pharmacist. To help you get through allergy season, I’m sharing tried and true tips for allergy sufferers:

  • Pollen pickup is the highest in the mornings. Opting for outdoor activities in the evening, like exercise or gardening, will help to lessen the blow of allergy symptoms.
  • Cover all your bases. Wearing sunglasses or a hat is great to protect you against UV rays, however these measures can also help during allergy season. If you are outdoors doing tasks like gardening or cutting the lawn, be sure to wear sunglasses, hats, or masks to keep allergens away from your mouth, eyes and nose.
  • Destress and get rest. We can often forget how important sleep is! Not only is excessive stress unhealthy, but it can also affect our sleep. We typically don’t get enough sleep, and this can worsen both our stress reactions and allergy symptoms.

For more information on a specific allergy remedy or service, speak with your local pharmacist.

  • Krunal Patel is a pharmacist and owner of a local Shoppers Drug Mart in Chatham.


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