LETTER: Housing development raises traffic concerns


Editor: With respect to your story, “”Housing projects approved,” of Dec. 8, the 20-acre parcel of land that you are referring to is actually zoned for low-density single family residential homes, not zoned agricultural.

In 1996, this farmland was approved for future development for low-density residential/single family homes. Now, the developers and municipality want to change this so they can build 108 single-family homes and 50 rentable townhouses (row houses). By building more then 50 rentable units, the developers receive assistance (tax break) of some sort from the government.

The developers from the Mississauga area have also purchased another 80 acres of land (next to the 20 acres) to be developed down the road into who knows what type of dwellings and how much green space or parkland they will have. So they own 100 acres in total. They are required by law to designate five per cent to green space or parkland, which we can’t see happening.

Also in 1996 when this subdivision was approved for future development, Delaware Avenue was to be the access point from the south, Idlewild Drive was to be the access point from the east and Henry O’Way was the access point from the west. All of a sudden Henry O’Way was removed from the official approved plan. Why?

Henry O’Way is needed as a third entrance and exit to help with the increase of traffic that this subdivision will have. It would also help EMS, Fire and police should an emergency arise.

The traffic is bad now on Delaware Avenue from the school, football field and arena, let alone when the subdivision is done. And the municipality doesn’t see the need for a traffic light at the corner of McNaughton and Delaware, which should be done when they start the construction, and paid by the developers, not us taxpayers.

We have lived on Delaware for 40 years. We always knew that there would be a subdivision built there, but were always told it would be single-family homes, like Taylor Trail area.

I spoke at the council meeting on Nov. 28 and many of my neighbours sent e-mails that were read, but we all felt like the councillors and mayor already had their minds made up. If they didn’t, municipal planning director Ryan Jacques sure tried to convince them, and not in favour of our concerns.

We, the residents on Delaware Avenue, love our community and we just want this development to be done right the first time, and so that it stays as a neighbourhood where families want to raise their children and feel safe and people like my husband and I can enjoy our retirement.


Terri Warren 



  1. I totally agree with Terri Warrens comments. The mayor and council should be Accountable for what was proposed in 1996 . The developers should be responsible for a new light to be put in for the increase of traffic. Has the mayor or anyone else involved taken a drive along Delaware to see what the people who you Represent are talking about. The developers should also be putting money towards roads and upkeep as they do in cities such as Windsor and London. I find that sometimes people who are in position to represent the people are not held Accountable.


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