Morena McDonald, Ward 3


Why are you running?

To help bring our communities together to create more unique community events, revitalization initiatives, and positive, impactful changes. To help attract more small businesses to our downtowns and opportunities for residents of all ages to connect and socialize.

What are the key issues?

Climate change and affordability are two big challenges we’re facing right now. From shoreline erosion to lack of affordable housing, major heat and weather events to the rising cost of living, these are things many of us deal with in our day-to-day lives. There’s only so much we can do at the municipal level, but some of that work has started. 

We have a long way to go, but listening to each other and working together is key to getting through it.

What do you hope to achieve if elected?

I want to help bring community groups, leaders, and volunteers together to create exciting events and revitalization projects to our small towns. There are some great things happening already, and I think we can build upon that to create opportunities for all residents to get involved and to boost tourism in Ward 3.

What skills and experience do you bring?

Volunteering with many community groups and grassroots organizations across Chatham-Kent over the past several years has taught me a lot about the power of working together and sharing ideas and resources. 

Being part of the Community Development Advisory Committee; Chatham-Kent to the Power of Young People Advisory Group; and the C-K Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Champions Network has shown me some of the challenges the municipality deals with and how they can be addressed. 


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