Cowan named Callwood recipient at C-K Hospice

Kerry Cowan was recently named the local winner of the 2022 June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for voluntarism.

Compassion. Kerry Cowan has it in spades.

Her service and compassion through the Chatham-Kent Hospice earned her the 2022 June Callwood Outstanding  Achievement Award for Voluntarism in Chatham-Kent.

“Kerry can always be found where there is a need. Whether someone needs a laugh, or a listening ear,  Kerry gives of herself in the service of others,” Melanie Watson, co-ordinator of volunteer services with the hospice, said in a media release. “She is a friend and mentor to the team. During the  pandemic, she was among the first to return to her role, taking extra shifts in order to support the staff  team and those receiving care.”

A passion for palliative care, Cowan joined the hospice’s volunteer advisory committee in 2014 to assist with the  development of the volunteer program for the new Chatham-Kent Hospice.

Since then, she continues her committee role and has been very active in supporting the residents and their loved ones. Adding to the hospice’s home-like atmosphere, she is a welcoming presence to visitors at reception, assists with holiday decorating and more.

“I believe in making each day worth living. Volunteering at C-K Hospice has given me the opportunity to  be part of an amazing team who truly know how to provide end-of-life care the right way. It is an honour  to be involved with those who are experiencing a very emotional and difficult time,” Cowan said.

The June Callwood Award was established in 1994 to acknowledge and thank outstanding hospice  volunteers throughout Ontario. The award was named in honour of the late June Callwood who was a  long-time advocate of hospice, community activist, author and recipient of the Order of Canada.

Past Callwood Award recipients from the C-K Hospice include Louise Stalleart (2021), John Lawrence (2020), Sabrina Guillotte (2018), Jennifer Wilson (2017), Kathleen Moderwell (2016), and Lyn Rush (2015).




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