Local job website established


The Municipality of Chatham-Kent and the CK Workforce Planning Board have launched a new consolidated job postings tool to help job seekers and employers, chathamkentjobs.com.

The tool is a one-stop location for finding job postings and career information in Chatham-Kent.

Chatham-Kent has joined 23 workforce planning regions across the province that are now using the platform tool. The tool consolidates information from up to 40 popular job boards and presents the postings to job seekers in one, easy-to-use spot.

For employers and other community groups interested in labour market data, the tool offers valuable labour market information.

“Talent attraction and retention to support local employers’ workforce needs is a top priority. With the onset of COVID-19 the need to attract and retain talent has only increased and the Chatham-Kent Jobs tool will be a vital asset to support our community’s recovery and resiliency moving forward,” said Director of Community Attraction and Promotion and CK Workforce Planning Board lead, Audrey Ansell in a media release.

Talent needs continue to be a key concern for local businesses. Director of Economic Development Services, Stuart McFadden, said he is excited to bring forward the new interactive tool that “will help with one of the top needs shared by employers – finding employees to help their businesses recover and grow.”

Employers already posting their jobs to one of the 40 job boards will automatically have their postings appear on www.ChathamKentJobs.com tool.

The C-K jobs board is one of several job boards included in the tool and employers can continue to utilize this service provided free to the community and managed by the municipality’s Employment and Social Services area.

“The Chatham-Kent Jobs platform is an enhancement of the existing services and supports offered to both employers and job seekers by the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. The platform will help employers connect to a wider audience while supporting job seekers with finding meaningful employment opportunities.” Employment and Social Services program manager Matthew Keech said.

Community resource navigators are available to support job seekers with the new Chatham-Kent Jobs tool. In addition, staff can assist with resumes, applying for jobs, job searching, and interview preparation and support.


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