LETTER: Vaccination process smooth in C-K


Editor: We received our first shot of the Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine at the Bradley Centre recently.

Registering for our vaccine was easy. We spoke with a Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit staff member on the telephone and were offered the opportunity to call for an appointment or register online. We chose to register online, which was quick and easy. Following the completion of our online application, we received a confirmation e-mail with our first vaccination date.

Finally, the long-awaited vaccination day arrived, so we were off to the Bradley Centre, slightly before our designated time. We were warmly greeted by a masked volunteer who provided hand sanitizer and directed us to the registration station where we were instructed to present our health cards.

As we made our way through each phase, very capable staff and volunteers greeted us and led us through the registration area, medical screening area, injection site and checkout area.

We received our injection from a very pleasant retired nurse who asked us a series of questions and explained we were receiving the Pfizer vaccine. She explained the process and informed us that we may experience some minor side effects, including a sore arm from the injection of the vaccine.

The injection was painless.

We were required to wait 15 minutes to ensure we had no adverse effects. While we waited, volunteers checked on our progress to verify we were not having an adverse reaction and to answer any questions that we may have. One of the volunteers pointed out that the Pfizer vaccine is an mRNA process vaccine.

Prior to exiting the building, we were directed to the “checkout area” where we received a hard copy receipt with our vaccine confirmation and instructions regarding booking our second vaccine. Based on our authorization, an e-mail copy of our receipt was forwarded to our e-mail.

From start to finish, the process was less than 25 minutes and very professionally done.

The vaccination process in Chatham-Kent is a seamless efficient process with no barriers.


Deb and Tim Mifflin





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