Maple City Slo Pitch cancels 2020 season


While Major League Baseball is still trying to figure out what to do with its season, Maple City Slo Pitch (MCSP) is keeping its 2020 season in the bat bag.

Kurtis Holmes, president of MCSP, announced today the cancellation of all of the 2020 season at all levels due to the ongoing concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The safety and well being of all players, coaches, umpires, and officials is our first priority, and this decision was made with that priority in mind,” Holmes said in a media release.

Team representatives are asked to contact their divisional executive to close out any administration and discuss refunds for the season.

“We look forward to a safe return to play in 2021 and hope to see everyone back out on the diamonds next year,” Holmes said.


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